To earn an M.A. in Theatre History, students must successfully complete 30 hours of graduate coursework. See list of courses below.

The M.A. Program in Theatre History is structured to allow teachers and artists to complete the degree in four semesters and one or two summers at Catholic University. M.A. students who work or teach full-time can choose to take one course each semester during the academic year. Each course will meet for one night a week.


  • 5 Required Critical Studies Courses in Drama Department
  • 2 Seminars in Drama Department (900 level not including Master's Thesis)
  • 2 Practicum Credits
  • Foreign Language (Reading Comprehension)
  • Critical Studies Courses - Required

    The following 5 DRAMA Courses are required:

    1. DR 601 Introduction to Theatre Research
    2. DR 604 Dramatic Structures I
    3. DR 983 Seminar in Dramaturgy
    4. DR 606 Theatre Theory
    5. DR 610 20th Century Theatre
  • Additional Drama Courses - Optional

    Please note: All optional courses are chosen with discussion and recommendation of the student’s M.A. advisor. Consult our Course Descriptions for other graduate courses you can select with the approval of the Head of the M.A. Program.

    Suggested courses for the Theatre History Track have a plus symbol after their course name.

    Students may choose electives from the following DRAMA courses:

    • DR 984 Seminar: Shakespeare in Theatre+
    • DR 695E Dramaturgy Internship
    • DR 695A Research Internship+
    • DR 762 Adaptation
    • DR 603 Western Theatre and Culture+
    • DR 526 Teaching Theatre
    • DR 995 Master Thesis Guidance (2 sections Fall/Spring)+
    • or another 500+ level Catholic University or consortium course chosen after discussion/recommendation of advisor and faculty.+

    Students may take one elective in another department at Catholic University, if the course includes readings related to that student's area of interest. If such a course is not available on campus, students are encouraged to take an elective (500 level or above) within the Consortium of Universities in the Washington Metropolitan Area. The student must submit a proposal to the Head of the M.A. Program that explains that the course is not offered at Catholic University and will help the student conduct research in an area that he or she will continue to work in post-graduation.

  • Practicums

    A minimum of 60 hours of Production Crew Credit is required to ensure a working knowledge of some of the basic elements of technical theatre.

    An Artistic Practicum, of a creative nature is also required. This may take the form of various artistic positions in lab productions and classroom projects, including any departmental performances or readings. Dramaturgical opportunities – outside of the mainstage shows – are encouraged and required by means of this practicum.